Sep 15, 2020
Newsletter for the 2020-2021 Academic Year
Dear OrchPlay users, students and teachers,
On the behalf of all of us at OrchPlayMusic we wish you a great 2020-2021 academic year!
ORCHPLAY VERSION 1.5 FOR INSTITUTIONS   Stay informed of new OrchPlay releases on our Facebook page!
If you are a teacher or student at Université de Montréal or McGill University you have free early-access to the new OrchPlay version 1.5.
You may activate your Pro or Teacher license by sending us an email at
With this new version of OrchPlay, we aim to offer solutions for both teachers and students, as remote teaching is rapidly becoming the new standard.
Please note that this version is a work in progress. We will gather feedback and suggestions from our partner institutions until we officially release OrchPlay 2 later this year.
These are some of the features the OrchPlay v1.5.39 includes :
• Stunning new Music Library interface
• Updated OrchPlay Multichannel Library with OPLS scores (custom MusicXML package)
• New Score Follower for your entire music library
• 4 display layouts for OPLS scores as well as a PDF version
• Advanced metadata management
• Embedded documents and class assignments
• Bookmark system (recalls the synchronized score page)
• Score markings playback (beta)
• New Mixing Desk (beta)
• Create OrchPlay files content with embedded Naxos Music Library links (requires an Institutional Naxos Music Library subscription) (beta)
If you would like to inquire about OrchPlay licenses for your institution please send us an email at
MacOS OrchPlay users with a valid Teacher license may apply to be part of our beta testing team by writing us an email using the link above.
We hope you make the best out of the tools we provide,
Félix Frédéric Baril - R&D Director
Denys Bouliane - General Director
Jan 27, 2019
3 New OrchPlay Files Available!
Dear OrchPlay users,
We are launching the new year with 3 new multichannel files for the OrchPlay Music Library!
Richard Strauss - Also Sprach Zarathustra, Introduction
audio channels: 41
includes: piano version &
orchestral families reductions
Also sprach Zarathustra, Op. 30 (Thus Spoke Zarathustra) is a tone poem by Richard Strauss, composed in 1896 and inspired by Friedrich Nietzsche's philosophical treatise of the same name. The composer conducted its first performance on 27 November 1896 in Frankfurt.
The work has been part of the classical repertoire since its first performance in 1896. The initial fanfare – entitled "Sunrise" in the composer's program notes – became particularly well known to the general public due to its use in Stanley Kubrick's 1968 film "2001: A Space Odyssey".
Brahms - Symphony no. 4, Fourth Movement (mes. 1-57; First Theme)
audio channels: 21
piano reduction included
The Symphony No. 4 in E minor, Op. 98 is Johannes Brahms' last symphony. The work was given its premiere in Meiningen on October 25, 1885 with Brahms himself conducting. The symphony is rich in allusions, mostly to various Beethoven compositions.
Debussy - Arabesque no. 1
audio channels: 32
piano reduction included
Composed between the years 1888 and 1891 (when Debussy was in his twenties), the arabesques are perfect examples of very early impressionistic pieces for piano. We are happy to provide teachers with an extremely colorful orchestration by Denys Bouliane of Debussy's first Arabesque. Supplemental material include a complete piano version for students to orchestrate as well as scores for piano reduction assignments.
OrchPlay now includes a total of 4 orchestrations of Debussy's piano pieces (exclusive for teachers). The other pieces by Debussy for which we provide orchestrations are the Suite bergamasque I and IV (also by Bouliane) as well as Children's Corner I Gradus (by Caplet).
You may download the multichannel audio files using the application download window or from the OrchPlay Music Library web page.

Richard Strauss - Also Sprach Zarathustra, Introduction (mes. 1-22)

Brahms - Symphony no. 4, Fourth Movement (mes. 1-57; First Theme)

Debussy - Arabesque no.1 [Orchestration by Denys Bouliane]
Jan 1, 2019
Best Wishes for 2019

Dear OrchPlay Users,
On the behalf of all of us at OrchPlayMusic we wish you a happy new year!
Though we’ve been quiet during the last year, much work has happened behind-the-scenes. We wish to share with you here a little of what’s forthcoming for OrchPlay in 2019.
Ever since the initial launch of OrchPlay in July 2016 we’ve been amassing users feedback and testing the software effectiveness in different environments. It has been an incredible learning experience for our team and we would very much like to thank you for your patience and support.
We still have a way to go before we achieve our ambitions, but the next version of OrchPlay will in all certainty take us closer to our goal.
We’ve spent the last year redesigning the user interface from the ground up to be more flexible and intuitive. OrchPlay 2 will support a fullscreen mode and windows will be detachable.
We can’t wait until spring 2019 to share with you more details on many new features we are working on. If some of these features do not make it in time for the initial release of OrchPlay 2 (summer 2019) they have been planned for the coming year as incremental updates to version 2.
We’ve been adding a sum of features which help you integrate with ease your own music files in the the Music Library. A new List view will now optionally display your music files amongst the OrchPlay Music Library multichannel pieces. A new Portrait view will let you find your music in the Library by simply clicking on a composer/artist picture. You will be able to add OrchPlay-specific meta-data to your own stereo-files (ex: instrumentation, musical form, period). A Quickload menu is available to change music files while keeping your current view selected (score, orchestra, etc.).
You will be able to loop or play only once a Locators selection; you may also type in the measure range directly for Locators. Fast-forward and rewind buttons have been removed and fine-control has been added to the playback cursor.
Synchronize all your scores or parts with your entire Music Library. Drag and drop a score in the Score view and easily place page-turns or other synchronization points. Start the playback directly by clicking on the score page.
This has been our foremost priority since the beginning of our journey!
OrchPlay will automatically follow and play the selected music and instruments on the score page for multichannel OrchPlay files. Color, filter and save your selections as bookmarks. Display the score in concert or transposed pitch and with combined or separated staves (ex: 2 flutes combined on a single staff or on separated staves). Show or hide selected staves.
The Orchestra view is now rendered on a realistic stage backdrop in 8k resolution (zoomable).
We are planning a function which will let you create your own multichannel OrchPlay files along with instrument and microphone icons that can be moved on the stage. This is one of the most challenging feature and may come out later down the road.
A new mixer design will comes with OrchPlay 2: Larger text, faders and icons. It will display only the instruments playing in the selected piece and support audio Plugins (AU and VST).
You will be able to bounce bookmarks as stereo audio files.
Embedded documents will now open in OrchPlay (provided that the format is supported) and the current pages of opened documents will be saved with the bookmarks. A useful tool for presentations or research!
We are planning a Course view exclusively for teachers and students. This feature will keep being developed in the future as we plan to offer integrated orchestration courses around the same time as we release of OrchPlay version 3.
There is still much more on our radar, including: Offering the option to record yourself, integrated parts for the OrchPlay material, an iPad version, new incredibly realistic OrchPlay files and a companion application that is being programmed independently right now in the context of the ACTOR project focused on orchestration analysis.
We will be releasing 3 new OrchPlay files in early January for pro users and teachers followed by the full prelude of Wagner’s Tristan opera. More news on this soon!
Best wishes,
Your OrchPlay Team
  Stay informed of new OrchPlay releases on our Facebook page!
Feb 7, 2018
New excerpts from Beethoven and Bizet

Beethoven - Symphony no.7, second movement (mes. 1-130)
Download the multichannel file using the application download window or from the OrchPlay Music Library web page.

Bizet - Carmen Act I, Près des remparts de Séville (102 Mes)
Download the multichannel file using the application download window or from the OrchPlay Music Library web page.
Sep 14, 2017
Test Features Chart OrchPlay 1
Features |
OrchPlay FREE |
OrchPlay PRO |
OrchPlay TEACHER |
Import / Playback stereo audio files (.wav .aiff .flac .mp3 .m4a .wma) |
• | • | • |
Embed documents, scores, secondary audio files; add a picture, biography and program notes |
• | • | • |
Create and Save Bookmarks (Locator selection, notes and comments) |
• | • | • |
Change the playback speed, loop locator selection | • | • | • |
Complete access to the OrchPlay Music Library Browse and download multichannel audio files |
• | • | |
Orchestra View: Listen to any instrument or instrumental combination | • | • | |
Mixer View: Change the balance between instruments | • | • | |
Navigate audio files using measure/bar numbers | • | • | |
Save instrumental combinations, balance and selected measures in bookmarks | • | • | |
OrchPlay custom pdf scores formatted for the classroom: Scores with blank staves for piano reduction or orchestration assignments |
• | • | |
Additional scores with selective piano reductions | • | ||
Download additional pieces for teachers (piano reductions included) | • | ||
*Upcoming features* | |||
*Upcoming feature*: Find and listen to all occurrences of any solo instrument, instrumental combinations and orchestral techniques: Foreground-background layering, doubling, coupling, fusion and many more. |
• | • | |
*Upcoming feature*: Downloadable bookmark lists (tailored suited for primary school teachers and orchestration professors) |
• | • | |
*Upcoming feature*: Follow exactly in the score any music performed in the playback bar; generate and follow on the fly a reduced score from any selection of instruments. |
• | • |
Jul 21, 2017
Software Update (v1.1.3) - New Excerpt from "The Lark Ascending"
OrchPlay has been updated to version 1.1.3!
• New automatic authorization system on user login (following the purchase of a Pro or Teacher subscription)
• It is now possible to use your OrchPlay Pro or Teacher license on a second personal computer.
• New "About OrchPlay" menu with license and OrchPlay version information

Vaughan Williams - The Lark Ascending (68-94)
Download the multichannel file using the application download window or from the OrchPlay Music Library web page.
Jun 22, 2017
Software Update (v1.0.29) - New Excerpts from Schubert's "Great" Symphony
Dear OrchPlay users,
OrchPlay has been updated to version 1.0.29!
• You may now sort pieces by release dates in the OrchPlay Music Library download window (an optional "Released on" column has been added).
• Changes to the OrchPlay Music Library database
This allows us to add support for advance search requests in the future.
[ We are working on a system which will make it possible to search instrumental combinations and orchestral techniques. ]

Schubert - Symphony no.9 Great, third movement (187-221, 336-359)
Download the multichannel file using the application download window or from the OrchPlay Music Library web page.

Schubert - Symphony no.9 Great, first movement (580-611)
Download the multichannel file using the application download window or from the OrchPlay Music Library web page.
May 4, 2017
New Excerpt from Pictures at an Exhibition

Moussorgsky - Pictures at an Exhibition, Promenade 2 (12 mes.)
Apr 20, 2017
New movement from the Nutcracker

Tchaikovsky - Nutcracker, Dance of the Mirlitons (77 mes.)
WHAT'S INCLUDED IN THE ORCHPLAY FILE: • Multichannel audio file (34 audio channels) • Orchestral score in C with blank reduction staves for the classroom • Piano version with blank orchestra staves for students to orchestrate (teacher material) • Piano reductions of instrumental sections with blank orchestra staves (teacher material)
Download the multichannel file using the application download window or from the OrchPlay Music Library web page.
Apr 16, 2017
OrchPlay Music Library - List of complete pieces for performers
You will find below a list of pieces rendered in full in the OrchPlay Music Library (complete movements).This list will be useful for performers who wish to practice their orchestral parts with the OrchPlay Orchestra.
Playing my instrumental part along with an OrchPlay multichannel file - How to proceed: 1- Select and Download a piece from the Music Library Download Window [shortcut: M] and open the file using the Composer/Music Files menu [shortcut: C] 2- Open the Orchestra Window [shortcut: O] 3- From the Orchestra Window, switch to the Mixer View [shortcut: TAB] 4- Mute the instrument you are playing [M button near the volume faders] 5- Go to the desired measure nr. [Playback bar or Arrow keys] and start the playback [Shortcut: Spacebar]. Advanced options: • If you desire you can select an excerpt with the Selection/Locator Bar [Shortcut: L]. The excerpt will loop until you click the Pause button of press the Spacebar. • You may adjust the tempo from the player's interface. • You may also adjust the instrumental sections volume from the Orchestra Window. For example, if you are playing the first flute part you might wish to increase the volume of the adjacent instruments or lower the remote ones to mimic their relative position on the stage. Remember that these settings can be saved as a bookmark for your next practice session!
List of complete pieces available in the OrchPlay Music Library:
• Debussy, La Mer, 1-De l'aube à midi sur la mer (141 mes) • Debussy (orchestration by Caplet), Childrens Corner, 1-Doctor Gradus ad Parnassum: (76 mes.) • Mozart, Symphony no. 40, 1st movement (299 mes.) • Mozart, Symphony no. 40, 3rd movement (126 mes.) • Mussorgsky (orchestration by Ravel), Pictures at an Exhibition, Promenade-1 (24 mes.) • Mussorgsky (orchestration by Ravel), Pictures at an Exhibition, Promenade-2 (12 mes.) • Ravel, Ma Mère L'oye, 1-Pavane (20 mes.) • Ravel, Pavane pour une infante défunte (72 mes.) • Stravinsky, Four Etudes for orchestra, no.2-Excentrique (67 mes.) • Stravinsky, Four Etudes for orchestra, no.4-Madrid (112 mes.) • Stravinsky, Song of the Volga Boatmen for Wind Ensemble and percussion (33 mes). • Strauss Johann, The Blue Danube: Intro, Waltzes no.1 and no.2 (109 mes.) • Tchaikovsky, Nutcracker Ballet, March (88 mes.) • Tchaikovsky, Nutcracker Ballet, Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy (52 mes.) • Tchaikovsky, Nutcracker Ballet, Dance of the Reed Flutes (77 mes.) (Selected movements of Haydn, Beethoven and Brahms Symphonies are in preparation) OrchPlay Music Library web pageStay informed of new OrchPlay releases on our Facebook page!
Mar 30, 2017
ORCHPLAY - Software Update (v1.0.27)
Dear OrchPlay users, A new update OrchPlay (v1.0.27) is available for download. OrchPlay version 1.0.27 - List of changes and improvements: • Added "Create Account" and "Request Activation Key" buttons to the Welcome Screen • Added OrchPLay Library size and hard drive space usage information in the Library Download Window WINDOWS • Fixed an issue with the OrchPlay files not installing properly when a user was not using the default documents folder path on a secondary hard drive MAC • Added a Tutorials tab to the Apple menu • Mac os systems will now recognize OrchPlayMusic as an Identified Apple developer • OrchPlay Pro and Teacher may now be used by multiple users on the same computer • The .zip format previously used for the Mac download has been replaced with a .dmg (Apple Disc Image) containing an installer package and the user manual. Sincerely, Your OrchPlay team
Mar 28, 2017
New Excerpts from the Scottish Symphony

Mendelssohn - Symphony no.3 Scottish, second movement (1-40, 242-273)
Download the multichannel file using the application download window or from the OrchPlay Music Library web page.

Mendelssohn - Symphony no.3 Scottish, fourth movement (161-182)
Download the multichannel file using the application download window or from the OrchPlay Music Library web page.
Mar 24, 2017
ORCHPLAY - Your Symphonic World in Multichannel
Feb 25, 2017

Dear OrchPlay Users,
We are very happy to announce that our software update for Mac and Windows is now ready!
We have implemented a new "Download Window" which provides direct access to the entire repertory of multichannel files from within OrchPlay.
This enhanced procedure has been the most frequent request we received since we launched OrchPlay. Designing this new method to access the OrchPlayMusic Library has been both an exciting and challenging project! The OrchPlay Team likes to believe that this new feature will substantially improve and simplify the user experience.
* OrchPlay Music Library Download Window
(accessible under the SELECTION MENU Composer/Music Files)
• Log-in interface to the OrchPlay Music Library:
Download and install files from within OrchPlay with a single mouse click.
• Immediately see files already installed, available downloads and new Orchplay releases!
• Sort pieces by Composer, Title, Instrumentation, Period, Year, Form, File Size, Number of audio channels, Duration and Score information.
• Queue an unlimited amount of downloads.
• Use OrchPlay while new files are being downloaded.
* OrchPlay Music Library management
• You will no longer have to click-to-install the downloaded files and discard the desktop copy to the bin. Everything is automatized.
• You will be able to delete and re-download any Orchplay file as needed, enabling a better hard drive usage.
The OrchPlay Music Library now has a "Free Trial" option that includes the 100% functional software as well as 4 orchestral excerpts for everyone to test and enjoy. You simply have to download the application from the Home page. You may then create an account within the OrchPlay Music Library Download Window and the free files will be easily accessible; they are unlocked for direct download.

Download the multichannel file using the application download window or from the OrchPlay Music Library web page.

Schubert - Symphony no.8, first movement (mes. 1-62)
Download the multichannel file using the application download window or from the OrchPlay Music Library web page.
Stay informed of new OrchPlay releases on our Facebook page!
Dec 14, 2016
Dear OrchPlay Users, We are happy to announce that our January software update (for Mac and Windows) will include an integrated "Download Window" which will provide direct access to the entire repertory of multichannel files from within OrchPlay.
This enhanced procedure has been the most frequent request we received since our launch last August. Designing this new method to access the OrchPlayMusic Library has been both an exciting and challenging project! The OrchPlay Team likes to believe that this new feature will substantially improve and simplify the user experience.
OrchPlay v.1.0: update preview * OrchPlay Music Library Download Window * OrchPlay Music Library management
NEW FREE VERSION Along with the January 2017 Update we will be releasing a "Free Trial" version of OrchPlay for your colleagues, friends and family to discover. It will include access to 3 orchestral excerpts of the OrchPlay Music Library and unlimited usage of the base software (replacing the current Stereo version).
NEW RELEASES Following the January 2017 software update we will be releasing a series of new OrchPlay files on a weekly basis. Below is a -preview- of the complete exposition of Berlioz "Symphonie Fantastique". It will soon be available in full multichannel in OrchPlay.
HAPPY HOLIDAYS Many thanks for your great feedback! Your OrchPlay Team wish you a great Holiday Season!
Follow OrchPlay's developments on our Facebook page!

PREVIEW: Berlioz - Symphonie fantastique, quatrième mouvement (mes. 1-77)
Oct 27, 2016

Recommended Configuration: • i7 Processor •7200 RPM or SSD Hard Drive •Windows 7, 8.1, 10 | Mac 10.8, 10.9, 10.10
We are happy to inform that OrchPlay for Windows is now available!
The Windows version is virtually identical to the Mac version.
OrchPlay 0.9.5
Downloading procedure improvement:
• You can now add the new downloaded files directly to your Library after Download. Decompression is done directly by OrchPlay.It will be possible soon to download the multichannel files from a new integrated interface in the software!
The User Manual has been updated and includes all Keyboard-Shortcuts for Windows.
Follow OrchPlay's developments on our Facebook page!
Your OrchPlay team,
Sep 1, 2016
  Tchaikovsky - Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy (52 mes)
What's included: • Orchestral score - in C • Orchestral score - transposed • Piano version (teacher material) • Piano reductions of instrumental sections (teacher material)
Dear OrchPlay Users, We are releasing today the first of a series of orchestral excerpts that will be released in 2016. In total over 850 bars of orchestral music will be added to the OrchPlay Music Library within the next 3 months. One excerpt coming soon is the exposition section of the 4th movement of Berlioz Symphonie Fantastique. More music from Tchaikovsky's Nutcracker is also on the way.
Download the multichannel file using the application download window or from the OrchPlay Music Library web page.
Aug 17, 2016
Dear OrchPlay users,
Today we are releasing our first update for the OrchPlay Software : version 0.8 (Mac).
New Features in OrchPlay Update 0.8 :
• The OrchPlay Player Interface can now be stretched or compressed horizontally
The higher resolution possible on widescreen monitors enhances the accuracy of both the locator-selection-system and the playback cursor.
• The Information drawer area has been adjusted accordingly
You may now extend the Drawer vertically from any point along the bottom border.
The composer/artist picture and description text will now scale with the player interface. * Reload an OrchPlay File to reset the text positioning.
• French language is now supported
You can access the available languages in the OrchPlay menu at the top of your screen.
The User Manual has been updated with these changes.
We have many updates and news planned for the coming months (and years)!
Bookmark and visit this page regularly for more information about the development of OrchPlay and upcoming orchestral excerpts.
Your OrchPlay Team,
Jul 29, 2016
You can now buy OrchPlay and subscribe to the OrchPlay Music Library
• The Mac OSX version (English) is available now !
• The Mac OSX version (French) will be ready by mid-August.
• The Windows versions will be available in September.
The OrchPlay software provides access to all individual instrumental tracks of the full orchestra and enable subsets of instruments involved in a particular orchestral effect to be heard in isolation or within the full musical context. This tool provides unprecedented opportunities for scientific research on orchestration perception, for computational modeling of orchestration techniques, and for orchestration pedagogy and performance practice. With this system, orchestral players can rehearse their parts at home with a full orchestra in a "Music Minus One" fashion.
Any user's instrumental setting related to any section of the score (with measure nr. and time-based units) can be saved as a bookmark with individual name, description and relevant score pages for use in the classroom or public presentations. Bookmarks and Bookmarks Lists (referring to any compilation of pieces) can also be exported and shared with all other users. Standard stereo files can be imported as OPL files as well as any other related document and linked to them.
The OrchPlay Music Library currently offers a selection of 100 musical pieces (from short excerpts to full movements) from the symphonic repertoire from late 18th Century to Contemporary. The selection is planned to feature a growing number of complete movement and expand to ca 400 significant orchestral masterworks within a few years. The goal is to provide an international reference database of multichannel orchestral recordings accessible to the widest public possible at a modest cost.